



Groups accomplish instrumental tasks and satisfy socioemotional needs.



5 Phases of group membership


  1. investigation-  how does group fit my goals
  2. socialization-  training to be what they are looking shapes individual�s thinking
  3. maintenance-  start developing socialization/specialized roles�leader may emerge
  4. resocialization-  retraining them as of way to �hang on�
  5. remembrance-  out of group; leave group



Group Influence


-presence of others makes easy tasks easier

-presence of others makes complex tasks more difficult


-when others around�more arousing



Social Loafing


-refers to productivity

-when people know they are in a group, they tend to exert less effort


Reduce Loafing

1.      individual evaluation

2.      social ostracism the loafer( tell them how they are not helping and that they are being a slacker)

-Gender differences

        women would apologize and contribute more work

        men said forget you guys, if you don�t like my work then I am leaving the group

-Anonymity can improve performance-



            Loss of identity and loosening inhibitions when in a group�.more likely to do things with group compared to alone


Group:  induced lowering of inhibitions

1.      arousal

2.      anonymity

3.      diffused responsibility



2 issues when dealing with decisions


intellectual- only one right answer

judgemental- not one exact answer(more subjective)


How is decision made?


Informative- based on logical arguments

Normative- judgmental tasks


Judgment Rule


  1. unanimity- everybody has to rule in favor of decision before finalized
  2. majority rule
  3. plurality plus- no definite winner, go with one that�s most popular


Group Polarization (used to be called Risky Shift)

-when in a group could be much more conservative or much more extreme

-group-produced enhancement or exaggeration of member�s initial attitudes

-group discussion enhances the initial attitudes of people who already agree



-consensus seeking overrides critical analysis


Social Dilemma

-any situation in which the most rewarding short-term choice for an individual will ultimately cause negative consequences for the group as a whole

-fear and greed usually takes over rational thinking

-cooperation is necessary to resolve social dilemmas

Powerpoint Slides:



The Nature of Groups

The Nature of Groups

Group size and structure differs

Phases of Group Membership

Phases of Group Membership






Groups accomplish instrumental tasks and satisfy socioemotional needs.

Social Facilitation

Social Facilitation

Social Facilitation:

The enhancement of dominant responses due to the presence of others.

Zajonc�s Drive Theory of Social Facilitation

Social Facilitation

Social Loafing

Social Loafing:

Group-induced reduction in individual output when efforts are pooled and cannot be individually judged.

Social Loafing

Early and contemporary research

Social Loafing

Reducing social loafing

Potential evaluation

Social ostracism

Gender differences




The loss of individual identity and a loosening of normal inhibitions against engaging in behavior that is inconsistent with internal standards.


Can deindividuation unleash positive behaviors?

Deindividuation and reduced self-awareness.

Alternative explanation: Conformity to situation- specific group norms.

Two types of decision-making issues

What kind of decision is it? (e.g., intellectual vs. judgmental)

How will the decision be made?

Normative vs. informational social influence

Systematic vs. heuristic processing

Group Decision Rules

Unanimity Rule

Majority-Wins Rule

Plurality-Wins Rule

Group discussion enhances the initial attitudes of people who already agree.

Group discussion enhances the initial attitudes of people who already agree.




A leader is an influence agent.


Social Dilemmas

Social Dilemma:

Any situation in which the most rewarding short-term choice for an individual will ultimately cause negative consequences for the group as a whole.

Social Dilemmas


Sanctioning cooperative behavior


Group identification

Promoting cooperative orientation

Promoting group discussion